Hey there Mama!

Can you believe it? School's out! Do you know what that means? It's time to make a SUMMERTIME GAME PLAN Mama!


Come Join us for this incredible Summer Masterclass if you are DONE with "Summertime Survival Mode" and ready to THRIVE all Summer long with your kids!

In The Thrive Tribe Summer Summit we will learn together:

*How to simplify mealtimes (for those lazy summer nights).

*How to set up a summer schedule for you & your kids that actually works (think flexible without the rigidity).

*How to cure summertime boredom (no mom loves to hear the words “I'm bored, mom!”)

*How to establish routines to help kids stay motivated to do their chores on break.


*How to have fun & create memories that last in a simplified, hassle-free way that will help lighten your stress load.


*How to get alone time & enjoy self-care - even with all the kids home.


So, if you're ready to:

  • Jump off the “Hot Mess Express”

& get organized this summer

  • Ditch the “all the kids are at home”

survival mode mentality

  • Actually look forward to &

enjoy your kids at home all summer long…

  • Plan ahead for simple & easy meals

  • Have a clean & organized home, even with kids
    there all day…

  • Feel less stress & overwhelm and enjoy more peace & calm

  • Finally create those memories that last a lifetime with your family…


Then, Mama, DON'T WAIT! Replay this Summit right now!

Replay Available Now!